Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Village is more global, Language is more vital (Marcin Skomial)

A personal response

1. In what kinds of jobs other than mentioned in the article do you think knowledge of more than one language would be useful? Why?
In the world of working today, most employers require to hire anyone who know more than one language. As a result, any kind of jobs that have to communicate to others who do not use the same language as your own. For example, the one who wants to be a secretary needs to know more than one language when his/her manager needs to contact foreigner. Another example is, singer, if any singer can sing a song another language that not a native, he/she can market to other countries as well.

2. How do you think someone who speaks and writes more than one language well could take advantage of this ability?
Yes, of course! Back to the jobs that explained the previous question, if secretary knows more than one language, it is a benefit to him/her that he/she has competitive advantage to other secretaries. Think about that, if you were an employer, between a person who knows only one language and that knows two (or more) languages, which one you could be an candidate for this job.

3. Do you think it is good idea to take a job that offers on-the-job training even if the pay is low in the beginning? Explain.
Absolutely yes! On-the-job trainning is one of the best way to train employee to obtain that knowledge faster, because it is in the real situation that employee can learn and adapt to work. Also, it motivates employee for passion to the business as soon as possible.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Age and Youth by Pablo Casals

What attitude toward life does Casals have?
Enjoy his life! He enjoyed doing something that he liked. Also, he was optimistic that helped him strong both physical body and mentality.

What does retirement mean to Casals?
In my opinion, it is meaningless to Casals. Regarding the passage, he worked for his life, never ended and never stopped. It is not too old to do what we love. In addition, the word 'retirement' seems to have a meaning after he died. So, before he died, he had done what he loved.

Why does Casals live by the sea? What effect does the sea have on him?
Firstly, he loved to live by the sea. That affected to his work because it motivated him to produce his work greatly.